Top Tips for Learning to Sit With Your Feelings

As we journey through life and all its twists and turns, taking care of our emotional well-being becomes increasingly vital. In Intuitive Eating, there's a profound significance to learning the art of sitting with your feelings; it can genuinely shape your overall sense of well-being.

  1. Grasping Emotional Eating: For many of us, the path to Intuitive Eating begins with untangling the complex threads of emotional eating tendencies. We delve into the intricate relationship between our emotions and food choices, acknowledging that emotional eating is a natural response to stress, sadness, and other feelings. By recognizing our emotional triggers, we empower ourselves to make thoughtful decisions honouring our emotional and physical needs.

  2. The Significance of Emotional Awareness: Intuitive Eating urges us to cultivate emotional awareness and establish a compassionate connection with our feelings. Our emotions offer valuable insights into our underlying needs and aspirations. By learning how to sit with our emotions, we gain a profound comprehension of our internal landscape, allowing us to make mindful decisions and foster a stronger connection with ourselves.

  3. Embracing Mindful Presence: Mastery of the art of sitting with emotions requires the practice of mindfulness and being present in the moment. This might encompass techniques like meditation, journaling, or engaging in mindful activities such as a craft or gardening that enable emotions to surface and be acknowledged without judgment.

  4. Developing a Supportive Network: Navigating through emotions can be a challenging endeavour. Encouraging a supportive network—whether through professional therapy, support groups, or trusted confidants—can provide invaluable assistance while we sit with our emotions. Creating a space where vulnerability and open conversations are welcomed can offer crucial guidance.

  5. Cultivating Self-Compassion and Acceptance: As we develop the skill of sitting with our emotions, it's crucial to nurture self-compassion and acceptance. Embracing our emotions without passing judgment, and extending kindness and understanding toward ourselves, is critical. Practising self-compassion creates a gentle environment for exploring our feelings, allowing room for personal growth and healing.

  6. Nurturing the Complete Self: Intuitive Eating transcends mere dietary choices; it encompasses caring for our holistic well-being. Exploring various avenues of self-care that align with our emotional needs is essential. Engaging in creative endeavours walks in nature, and self-reflection can contribute to our emotional well-being.

  7. The Journey of Transformation: Emotional awareness becomes a guiding force in our relationship with food, our bodies, and ourselves. By honouring and delving into our feelings, we embark on a journey of profound personal growth, self-discovery, and a heightened sense of empowerment.

Each person's journey is distinct, and mastering the art of sitting with emotions demands patience and kindness. I'm here to assist if you're seeking support while honing this skill. Feel free to reach out or schedule an informal introductory call here


Eating our emotional experiences.


The Art of Seduction