The Illusion

The illusion.

Today's 'something to think about' is the challenging and triggering experience of "thought-shape fusion."

I experienced this throughout my eating disorder and for a long time while I swam in the grey waters of quasi-recovery. Still, it wasn't until I started my eating disorders training that I discovered how common an experience it was.

Since then, I have worked with client after client who experiences this phenomenon, and we need to bring our awareness to it to ensure we cultivate a healthy relationship with food.

Thought-shape fusion is a cognitive distortion. A cognitive distortion is a powerful statement we tell ourselves that is founded upon a false belief. These beliefs influence our thoughts, which in turn shape our behaviours.

Thought-shape fusion explicitly impacts our body image by attaching a moral framework to food. This distortion materialises as a sensation in the body. In my case, consuming foods I had labelled as "off-limits or bad" would instantaneously trigger the sense that my body was getting bigger. It feels very real, and it can lead to an array of destructive behaviours.

So today, I aim to provide you with a coping mechanism for the moment you encounter thought-shape fusion. The initial step is recognising this for what it is—a cognitive distortion.

When you notice the illusion of your body changing after consuming certain foods, pause and acknowledge the emergence of thought-shape fusion. Label it for what it is: an illusion. When we notice and label our thoughts, we allow ourselves to step outside them. Rather than get swept away by the tsunami of negative emotions that these thoughts might trigger.

Other tools to employ during these moments involve breathing and tapping techniques. These techniques leverage the vagus nerve, which stretches from the head down through the body. Stimulating this nerve can activate the parasympathetic nervous system, effectively promoting a sense of calmness. I show you how to do this in the little video below.

Tapping Tool Click Here For Tutorial

Thought-shape fusion can be challenging to navigate, often provoking intense emotions. Yet, I want you to remember that you're not alone on this journey. You can break the chain.

As always, I am rooting for you.

Rose x


The Itchy Jumper


Eating our emotional experiences.